Top 10 Highest Google AdSense Earners in the world

Top Google Adsense Earners

Making money online is not difficult these days because there are lots of ways on the internet to do so. Now that you want to make money from home and at least mobilize some significant amount of income at the end of the month, there is some important stuff you should know, but the most important are skills, hard work, and consistency.

Among many ways of making money online, Google AdSense is one of the best ideas and the highest paying online advertising program. Today, many bloggers are making a lot of money at the end of the month through Google AdSense.

I know now you are wondering whether this is possible or not. To clear the air, we have listed our top 10 list of the top AdSense Earners in the world this 2019. It’s a list of top AdSense earners with some little information of their page views, earnings and page rank.

Pete Cashmore

Pete Cashmore CEO of Mashable

This man is the CEO and the founder of Mashable, which is today the most popular blog founded in 2005. Cashmore started blogging at the age of 19 and has over the time earned some significant amount of money from his blogging.

When Cashmore was starting this work, he didn’t share the story with anybody, not even his parents. He was just focused on writing and just writing. He was the only employee writing and publishing articles and blog posts. Here is some of the information about his business.

  • Blog Category: Technology
  • Daily page views: 37,320,000
  • Alexa Rank: 1,420 unfixed
  • Page Rank: 6

Jack Herrick

Jack Herrick - Founder, CEO - wikiHow

Herrick is an American entrepreneur with ultimate connections with blogging and online businesses. He is actually known as a wiki fanatic. He is the man behind the Wiki How, Luminescent technologies, Big Tray and eHow.

  • Earnings: $2 million per month
  • Alexa Rank: 171 unfixed
  • Daily Unique Visitors: 40 million
  • Backlinks: 3.3 million

Kevin P Ryan

Kevin P Ryan

This man is the founder and also the Chairman of He is also the founder of many companies in the world. He started on online Businesses in 2009 when he showed some special interests in Business and Technology, News and many other topics. With his hard work and patience, this entrepreneur is today among the top 10 AdSense earners in 2019.

  • Monthly Earnings: $120,000 approximate
  • Monthly Unique Visitors: 500,000
  • Monthly page views: 62 million and still going.
  • Alexa Global Rank: 313.

Michael Arrington

Michael Arrington

When Michael was starting his online business, no one knew that he could make it in the business world. Today he sits as the CEO and the founder of, which is now one of the best technology news portals. His main aim is to provide to the public reports and information concerning technology and other related areas.

  • Estimated worth: $99,750,000
  • Estimated earnings per month: $1,566,390
  • Estimated website visitors per month: 104,430,000
  • Alexa Global Rank: 1019.

Markus Frind

Markus Frind CEO POF

This man is among the oldest online business owners. He was among the first entrepreneurs that started an online business. As a matter of fact, he started his PlentyofFish(POF) in 2003. He is also the man behind many online dating websites, especially in Australia, Ireland, USA, Canada, and UK.

  • Estimated website worth: $95,000,000
  • Estimated website earnings per month: $1,000,000
  • Estimated Website Visitors in a month: 94,000,000
  • Alexa Global Rank: 1,423

Jeff Pillou


Pillou is the founder and the CEO of, which was started in 2010. The man now lives in London, and he is also one of the most successful bloggers in the country. He actually started his business when he was only 20 years old. He earns a staggering $1,000,000 from Google AdSense each month.

  • Estimated value: $94,000,000
  • Estimated monthly earnings: $1,000,000
  • Estimated monthly website visitors: 94,000,000
  • Alexa Global Rank: 2,543,571

Kelvin Rose

Kelvin Rose Digg CEO

This man is an Internet entrepreneur in America with more than 5 years’ experience in Google AdSense. The blogger is best known for his website This website was launched on July 31st, 2012 with the main goal of sharing content to Bookmarking sites including Twitter and Facebook.

  • Estimated website worth: $81,000,000
  • Estimated website Earnings per month: $800,000
  • Estimated monthly visitors: 59,000,000.
  • Alexa Global Rank: 28,952.

Dancer Hogan

Hogan is the founding father and the executive of Digital Purpose solutions. He started blogging in 1999, which is the time that many people didn’t think that the internet could be a good investment. Twenty years, later, he’s on our list of the best and the highest-earning AdSense bloggers. His website offers helpful information to web marketers, internet developers, and other bloggers.

  • Blog Category: Marketing, SEO Guide
  • Earnings per month: $350,000
  • Page Rank: six
  • Alexa Rank: 30,829 unfixed
  • Daily Distinctive Visitors: 3,440,000.

Courtney Rosen


This iron lady is the founder and the CEO of, which is one of the most popular websites in the world. The site publishes hundreds of articles and over 170,000 videos especially guides. The site was founded in 1999 and has over the time grown to be the world’s biggest guide websites.

  • Estimated monthly earnings: $650,000
  • Daily page views: 31,400,000
  • Page Rank: 6
  • Alexa Rank: 10,418 unfixed.

Perez Hilton

This man is better known as Maripo Armando Lavandeira, Jr but his professional name above is the most common. He is a Television Personality, a columnist, and a Blogger in the US. His website was was founded a few years after he graduated from school. The man was born in Miami and chose to be an actor immediately he got out of school, which he later left for a more stable job.

  • Website category: Celebrities activities
  • Daily Pageviews: 10,500,000
  • Daily unique visitors: 1,700, 000
  • Earnings per month: $300,000

The above are some of the best AdSense earners that are making it in the internet business. You can as well be on the list if you get the skills and build the right muscles to handle challenges along the way. If you are venturing on this, then keep doing your work and pay more attention to the changes in the internet world because it’s highly dynamic.

Link Building Myths

If you are just getting started in link building, it is likely that you will encounter a lot of false information. Myths that have spread over the years. In fact, some of these myths are so strong that even experienced SEO companies believe them a little bit. On this page, we are going to bust some of the most common link building myths.

DA and Trust Flow will tell you how important a site is for backlinking purposes

Ever since Google’s PageRank algorithm became less important, a number of services popped up that claimed to be able to analyze a website to determine how good it is for backlink purposes. Two of the most popular are DA and Trust Flow.

We won’t lie to you; DA and Trust Flow are good metrics to look at, but they won’t tell you the whole story. For example; a site could have a high DA, but if it is a site that isn’t relevant to your niche, then there is no sense in having a backlink there.

Use DA and Trust Flow to guide you towards building up a backlink profile. However, do not this cloud your own personal judgment. Look at the niche of a site. Look at the activity of the site (i.e. is it regularly updated), because this will give you a far better indication of a domain’s worth.

Guest Posting is Bad

It isn’t. This is a myth that seems to never stop. People claim that Google punishes people for guest posts because it means that their link is probably paid for. Now, don’t get us wrong. Google absolutely loathes paid-for links. However, these are the links that look spammy (i.e. a link that is completely out of place), but it loves unique content. If your guest posts are packed to the brim with useful information, then this will help your chances when it comes to SEO. This would be a quality backlink.

You should ignore smaller sites for link building purposes

Don’t do this! Yes. Most of your focus should be on the larger sites for your links. However, this doesn’t mean you should be ignoring those smaller, relevant websites. While a link from them won’t carry as much value as a larger site, you can see a link like this as an investment. You never know if that site is going to explode in popularity. If it does, you will be glad your link is there.

In addition to this, the whole purpose of link building is to get a ton of links out on several relevant websites. This means links from the smaller sites will be useful, even if that site never becomes majorly popular.

The more links, the better

Nope. Nope. Nope.

In this past, it may have been true. However, nowadays, search engines want links to be relevant. Let’s say you have a dog bed website. You have two options:

  • 100 links on websites related to boats, cooking, and gaming
  • 10 links on websites related to dogs and pets

In the past, the first option would have been better. Search engines didn’t really have the ability to check the relevancy of a link. Nowadays, though, those ten links are going to be SO much better than 100 links on an irrelevant website.

Take your time building up your links. Don’t just spam them. This is the quickest way to do harm to your SEO campaign. Remember; bear the other link building myths in mind, and you will be on the right path towards SEO success.



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