Soda PDF review


For you to read and perform any action on PDF files, you inevitably have to use a compatible application to open it. Although there are numerous applications out there, some of them can frustrate you in terms of safety, functionality, loading time, editing and sharing your document.

For this reason, Soda PDF was created to make your entire process of opening PDF documents very easy. This brief covers all sections that will inform you and make a better decision in choosing Soda PDF. We have also set all the SODA PDF FAQs answered to clear the air about some of the questions you have in your head.

What is Soda PDF?

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Soda PDF is a collection of software applications that makes it easy for someone to open, edit, secure, share and perform several other tasks on their PDF file. It was developed few months after the formation of LULU Company in 2010.

As a matter of fact, the first Soda PDF version was created as LULU’s brand line. Barely a year later, the company announced that they will be updatingthe software with new features such as 3D viewing technology, enhanced editing abilities and most importantly the new customizable viewing options.

What does Soda PDF do?

Soda PDF is a collection of varying applications that can easily be used to open, view, convert, create, secure, edit and eventually share PDF files. This software is created by LULU software stationed at Quebec, Canada.

Soda PDF features

  • Collaborate on PDF documents
  • Convert files to other formats
  • Edit all images and texts
  • Merge different PDF documents
  • Sign and secure your documents
  • Share the PDF document in any format
  • Easily store your document in cloud.
  • Prepare and track sent documents for e-signature
  • Can easily unlock text with OCR.

Howe much does Soda PDF cost?

Soda PDF price varies depending on the option you choose. You can go for free Trial which is Free, Home package at 10$ per month, Premium at $15 per month or Business at $20 per month.

Soda PDF Best Offers

The company offers free customer support, 30-day money back guarantee and also 3 cloudbased pricing. Each of the package you choose has specific specifications including the PDF viewer, edit PDF files, insert page elements, web+ desktop versions and many others.

Besides the prices, I don’t see reasons why you should go for the full amount while you can choose Soda PDF coupon codes, promo codes and other Soda PDF deals from CouponCodeGroup.

Use satisfaction

This software has attracted more than 162 positive social media mentions and zero negative social media mentions. When you are considering buying document creation software, never spend most of your energy on what the experts are saying, spend some time checking what the people on the ground are saying.

Most of this software has attracted many reviewers online. This is good for you if you want to know the best side of the software and its downside. Online reviewers are also more reliable for their genuine reviews.

Soda PDF support

For every software or company you think of going for, make sure their customer service is always ready to solve your issues. This is the case with software because you can land into delays and other issues any time of the day. One downside is that Soda PDF doesn’t offer email support or training.

Fortunately, the company accepts tickets, Live support and reliably their phone customer service.

Soda PDF pros

Soda PDF has an amazing set of PDF tools, which has OCR. This makes it easy for you to easily scan Physical documents in the office. You can actually transfer your physical documents into soft documents with the OCR tool.

  • The software has amazingly good features
  • You have an option to pay one price or choose a monthly subscription.
  • Easily convert PDF files into Word documents, Excel documents and other formats.
  • Whenever there’s a new feature, you will effortlessly get a notification on your emails.
  • You can create a custom toolbar to include the tools you often use

Soda PDF cons

  • You wont have an option to change the color
  • Some of the adobe functionality is missing.


Is soda PDF safe to use?

Soda PDF is very safe for you to try. You can easily download and proceed without any worries. All you should know is that Soda PDF is not a downloadable product. It can only be used from your browser.

Is soda PDF a virus?

This is a funny question that I usually get from people. To answer the question, we checked the different sources for what people are saying about the same. We also had to conduct numerous trials and checkups to determine whether you have any reason to ask such a question. Eventually, we checked for Soda PDF and OCR that uses 50 antivirus software. The conclusion was that Soda PDF is safe to use and it’s not a virus.

How much does Soda PDF cost?

The prices for this product start from $84,00 every year. You can go for better plans with added specifications. There is also a Free version and a trial before you make the payments.

How can I save on Soda PDF?

Its now easy to save money on the things you want with Soda PDF deals, coupon codes and promo codes from This is one of the most viable methods of saving on Soda PDF.

Is soda PDF good overall?

With the above information, we have included reviews from users with different reactions. This can easily confuse you and leave you wondering whether soda PDF is a good option overall.

Soda PDF is good overall and worth your time and money. You can easily start without worrying about the services and the prices. I have actually included a free way to save on your next investment.

Final verdict

Soda PDF is one of the best documents’ editing software for your home, or business. They are affordable and have all the required features. Though, there are some few alternatives which includes Adobe, FoxitPhantomPDF, StepShot guides, and RoundMe alternative.



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