How to earn money online?

How to earn money online

I am very sure you want to make some money online today from home. This is exactly what almost everyone, even those employed wants at the end of the day. The advancement in technology over time has made things really simple and easy. For this reason, you can make money online with ease. Today we have a list of the best ways of making som significant amount of money along the way at home

 Ecommerce/drop shipping

Its today very easy to sell and buy services and goods online with the help of eCommerce. This industry has just started and most of the people dont know what to do0. Though, you can start by drop shipping. This is a method where a store does not keep an inventory of the item it sells instead purchases from a third party who ships them directly to the customer. The owner of store does not handle or see the product.

For example, you buy from a store and you make a payment of $100. The store owner will then forward the order details and address of the customer to the supplier and pays wholesale price of $20 which gjuarantees you some profit. The goods will eventually be shipped directly to the customer by the supplier. You only need a laptop, a good internet connection and less capital to start.


Blog is a site where you share your views according to the topic you choose. There are so many topics that you can blog about including  politics, fashion, career wealth, football and cars. You can convert those blogs as sources of revenue by;

  • selling the blog membership
  • You can either blog an advertiser’s product and you can earn a commission on each sale of your website.
  • Selling sponsored posts and even private ads.

Offer digital marketing services

So many people and companies are  today willing to pay for the services if you have the skills that can be beneficial in marketing their products via the website through internet. If you are largely followed through internet, Instagram, Facebook and twitter then you can get paid by promoting other brands and products.

Launch an informative and entertaining YouTube channel

Videos are widely watched worldwide and YouTube is the largest video hosting website in the world that can make you a lot of money. Although it is the second largest with its users coming to be informed and entertained which means you can build up your new YouTube channel and  monetize it with ads once you hit the 1000subs/4000hrs of view time.

You can earn at least $20 after 1000 views. To get 10,000 views per month from 50 videos, let’s say when you translate that you earn $200 in monetary gains.

Sell stock photos

Supply of photographs of people, nature and events can as well earn you some money. This is known as stock photography which can be used and reused for commercial purposes but they should be licensed. You can use some of these web sites to sell these stock photos online and make some money.

  1. Adobe stoke
  2. Fotolia
  3. Pond5
  4. Shutter stock

Writing and editing

Writing and editing is the most popular way of making money online. If you venture into article writing, blog posts writing, content writing you can make a lot of money at the end of the day. Though, you have to possess the right skills.

Graphic designing

Graphic design is also a very reliable method of making money online. If You are creating brands and making money in process, you will be helping businesses and earn some money along the way. You can sell your design works at dribble and behance net.


If you are fluent in several languages, you can make money by translating different works to different languages. If you are competent in Arabic languages, it’s even better if you are good in languages like Spanish, Kiswahili and English you can make more money because they can scour web for translation jobs.

Data entry

This is the easiest gig too because it does not require specialist skills that makes it attract more hopeful freelancers. This is done according to the needs of the specific client and at many times it would be typing figures and words.

Write and sell eBook’s

Rent Textbooks at

If you can compose your knowledge into a downloadable book that can help people advance their careers you can earn reasonable cash. You can sell your eBook on amazon. They give you access to their audience to sell your book. They charge 30% as their fee and the lest is yours.

Rent your car on turo

If you barely use your car, it’s better for you to use that opportunity to make some extra cash by renting it on turo. Keep this in mind that your car will always be safe because the drivers are well prescreened for safety of your car before it’s given to them.

Online dating consultant

Have you ever noticed some people pass through hard times especially when you they are approaching their opposite gender? It’s true; they find it very difficult to approach someone and expressing their feelings for them. So if you are smooth talker you can use your skills online to make money by presenting your skills as a matchmaker on sites like relationship hero.

Sell your clothes online or rent

you dotn have to decompose your clothes especially those you dont wear any more because you can sell them and make some extra money. You can as well make some money even if you have clothes for hire e.g. gowns, wedding suits. You can check these sites for your sales Tradesy, and

Sell your old books

If you are a wide reader and have a large stack of old books you have been holding for too long, you can go online and sell your books. There are some stores which can buy your books half price of your books.

Help new teachers by selling your teaching plan

New teachers get it very hard to crack some problems while teaching because they are new in teaching. That’s why so many teachers are looking for your old teaching plans to help them feel comfortable while teaching. these people wnat your services and if you can significantly help themm, you will make some money.



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