360Training reviews online courses best for your career

360tarining online courses

With the competitiveness and the current changes in the job market, you need to make sure you have all the right technical certifications and skills that employees are looking for. It may sound funny but there’s a way you can get all these causes online without spending a lot of your time and money. You can get these skills and courses offered by some online training schools such as 360training.com.

Though, there is several alternatives available in the market which may confuse you or even make the situation hard for you to choose. This is the main reason why we are taking time to come up, research and write this highly informative online courses 360training review.

When you are choosing this site for your training needs, you don’t have to worry because we have featured 360training.com Coupon Codes 2019 to help you save up to 25% getting that certificate.

Who is 360Training?

Real Estate Courses Online

This is a portal that provides online courses in regard to real estate courses by state with its services covering exam preparations, pre-license fundamentals, risk management and several other aspects of real estate.

How does it work?

The site has stated clearly that its core purpose is to use high technology, content and services to make sure professionals manage and pursue their career goals through the completion of courses that will help them comply and meet all the certification requirements.

They have also stated that they are working closely with over 1500 e-Learning partners. With their combined efforts, they have trained over three million users across the globe. They claim that they are using a highly informative and a secure technology like the one used in colleges, corporations and schools to facilitate the whole process.

What you will love about 360Training

Although the site has tried to improve over the years, they still struggle with some issues. However, there’s a lot to love about them. First and foremost, their courses are informative and easy to follow. They are also taught clearly with the main aim of getting the point stuck on the readers mind.

OSHA Confined Spaces Entry Training

We checked on the website and you will agree with me that their website is very easy to navigate. Most of their prior customers have also agreed to this saying that every bit of their website is user friendly. So don’t worry about getting lost in the website.

The instructors are very helpful and always ready to solve an upcoming puzzle, If for any case a student has some issue with any content they read through the courses, they can contact the instructor and everything else will follow.

I saw one of their prior customers that said the site and the training offered is extensive and complete with all the relevant studies. The assessments are also very helpful in determining if the user was able to understand the lessons or not.

Get IT Security Training!

Additionally, the site offers courses that almost everyone in the market can apply for with ease and at the same time receive lesions and training online. Some of their training courses relate to restaurants management including food safety training, ethics and fraud and power plant control among many others.

To get the full information, you can go to their online portal and start checking for online courses that you can take. All of the courses are facilitated through their e-learning portal which means you will have ease of operating.

What you will hate about 360Training

Every good thing has a bad side. After checking what their alumni students are saying, we detected that there are some of the aspects of this portal that you may never like. Most of their prior students complained about the issues with their customer support. Some said their customer care is not very involving and responsive. They takes a lot of time to offer assistance that may not even be helpful. However, at the time of writing this review, I say that their customer care is a little fast and they can reply to all the queries within 48 hours. However, as a student, that is not you want. Most of the people want a company that can respond within 12 hours.

Some students also noticed some repetitive materials and glitches which is not a really good thing. We noticed one of their prior student that gave the site a negative review simply because the customer care took too long to reply to the queries.

Some also complained about the price. Compared to some other alternatives, some of their students said that the price is relatively higher. In fact there are several training centers around the world that are easily accessible and offers the same courses at a cheaper price.

Cost/Price plans


There’s no easy way to quote a single price plan because this site offers multiple courses. What this means is that the price or cost depends entirely on the course you are taking. It may as well depend on the amount of information you receive, difficulty and the extensiveness of the content you want. If you are taking OSHA courses, then you may have to pay differently than someone taking real estate insurance or food safety.

Are there any other competitors or alternatives?

Definitely, the market is growing fast and hence there are a couple of other online training portals competing with 360Traoining. Most of these companies including Udemy claims to offer the best training and courses. However, at the time, 360Training is a good option for you. When enrolling, you can check at CouponCodeGroup for the best and working 360training coupon codes. I don’t see any reason why you should pay the full price.

Final verdict

With all the information given above, you can be sure that 360Training is a good option for all your online training needs. It is a good match for any type of skills you need. The best option for continuity education and all the other aspects. The prices are competitive and at the same time reasonable and affordable.

Real Estate, Appraisal & Mortgage Courses
95 %
Food and Beverage Programs Courses
98 %
Quality Management Education Courses
99 %
Environmental Health and Safety Courses
98 %
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Emma is passionate about writing a very good products brands of the people love. Originally a content writer for big brands, she also loves a good article and to analyze what works well for users to make it a correct decision while shopping online. She's worked in digital marketing for almost 3 years and loves untraditional industries.
360training-reviewsWith the competitiveness and the current changes in the job market, you need to make sure you have all the right technical certifications and skills that employees are looking for. It may sound funny but there’s a way you can get all these causes...


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